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Company Update: Expanding Our Team and Capabilities

At Bylo Acres Excavation & Grading, we’re excited to share some big updates that reflect the growth and evolution of our company.

First, we’re thrilled to welcome two new members to our team who are not only highly experienced but also family. In March, we were pleased to welcome Fred Nail to our team. Fred brings extensive experience in road construction, as well as residential and commercial excavation, and his expertise has already made a significant impact on our projects. More recently, we welcomed Travis Millburg who joins us with an impressive background, including his most recent role as the Highway Commissioner in Macoupin County, Illinois. Travis’s knowledge in managing large-scale infrastructure projects is a tremendous asset as we continue to expand our services.

In addition to growing our team, we’ve also expanded our capabilities. Ron and Fred have become State Certified Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) installers, which now allows us to offer septic system and lagoon installations. This certification is a significant milestone for us, enabling us to provide even more comprehensive land improvement services to our customers.

To support our expanding operations and ensure we continue to deliver timely and efficient service, we’ve also invested in additional equipment, including a new machine and a tandem dump truck. These upgrades will help us meet the increasing demand and reach our customers more quickly.

We’re excited about the direction our company is headed and look forward to continuing to serve our community with the same dedication and quality that have been our hallmark. Thank you for your ongoing support as we grow and evolve!

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, if you have a project in mind, we're here to help make it a reality.

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